In english .CONSULTANT-FRANCE En français


The harmonious operation of the Human Dimension within Organizations, and consequently the optimization of their productivity, depend primarily on 3 factors :

  1. The state of fulfillment of the "Individual Basic Needs" and "Motivational Needs", specific to the industrial, commercial and tertiary activity.
  2. The variation between the "Management Styles" : the "Perceived" and the "Desired" one.
  3. The existence of "Pockets of Problems" (dysfunctions) within the Organization, and within each subset which constitutes it.

The Psychosocial Audit For Organizational Development consists in carrying out the "Radiography" of the Organization's social body, by exploring in detail each one of the 3 levels that underlies its working procedure. That is obtained by means of 3 questionnaires :

  1. The "CHREIOLOGICAL SCAN" (from the Greek "Chreios" = Need)
  2. The "MANAGEMENT-SCAN" (Management modes)
  3. The "TROPICS-SCAN" (Dysfunctions = "Pockets of Problems")

The final purpose of our method aims at leading the regulation of the "Internal Social strains" within Organizations, within the framework of a "Proactive quest" (as opposed to a "Reactive quest") for the optimization of the Company confronting constant environmental changes.

Thus, the persons in charge, on all the hierarchical levels of the Organization, should be able to get Tools that are objectivated by the quantitative and qualitative results of the "SCANS". Thereafter, they will have at their disposal the means necessary to optimize the working procedure of the unit for which they have the responsibility, and will thus be able to answer in a more adequate way the objectives laid down by their Board.